Sunday, 30 April 2017

Long Term Effects Of Childhood Obesity - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel UK

While fat in American diets has decreased in recent years owing to the public’s response to the nationwide overweight epidemic, obesity is still a growing concern. While removing fat from their diets, people will often increase their intake of sugar, high density carbohydrates, and starches. Low protein and fat meals often leave people feeling hungry, leading them to fill their stomachs as soon as possible.
The long term effects of childhood obesity are numerous. High cholesterol, high blood pressure, and the development of diseases such as type 2 diabetes are all major health risks that result from obesity. Obese adults frequently struggle against heart disease. Children with a normal healthy rate rarely suffer from these conditions.
One of the biggest concerns in recent years has been the rising number of children afflicted with type 2 diabetes – a disease that previously mainly afflicted adults. In the course of the last two decades, the statistics of children and adult afflicted with this disease have risen to fifty percent. Today, nearly thirty percent of all adults and twenty five percent of all children struggle with obesity. What’s more, children who are obese often develop into obese adults. Parallel to the increase in obesity has been the increase in type 2 diabetes, also known as non insulin dependent diabetes. Throw obesity in to the equation, and this type of diabetes can be very difficult to treat. It can even cause the body to develop an insulin resistance.
Children are also at risk for contacting asthma. Overweight boys tend to have a higher risk than overweight girls. The effect of asthma is greater in children who are nonallergic. A recent study concluded that asthmatic children who were obese suffered a lot more than non-obese asthmatic children. Obese children with asthma tend to wheeze more, require more medication, and end up having to make more visits to the emergency room.
What’s more, obesity can have serious psychological effects on children. The biggest problem is with self-esteem issues that results from discrimination on a social level. One recent study had obese children rate their general quality of life; they scored as low as cancer patients in chemotherapy. The children were asked to fill out a questionnaire rating their abilities to perform every day activities such as get along with others in their peer group, keep up with the rest of the class in school, sleep well, play sports, and walk a distance of more than one city block. Obese children scored low in all these areas, indicating that their quality of life was very low. Parents who were asked to fill out a similar questionnaire about their children ranked even lower in their assessment of their children’s quality of life.
We live in a culture that sends out very strong messages about ideal beauty and body weight. Girls are encouraged to constantly diet and exercise until they attain a fit, thin body. Boys are told to constantly work out and do whatever is necessary to attain a buff, muscular body.

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What You Need to Know About Employer-Employee Relationships - Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Goldshield

It is a system of communication between the employer and the employee, which seeks to maintain and develop work productivity, motivation and morale.

Contrary to common misconception, employer-employee relation is not limited to underlying unions or collective bargaining issues but also covers over-all employee management and the employee’s relationship towards his employer, i. e., the boss.
Employer-employee relation is governed by existing labor laws, related jurisprudence and administrative rules and regulations on the matter. 
Labor laws on the other hand consist of federal law, state law and judicial decisions. 
The laws are primarily focused oh the relationship between employers and employee who, for practical reasons, group themselves into union for more effective bargaining power. Employees are granted by these laws the right to unionize, picket and strike while employers are granted the right to seek injunction and lockouts.
In the US, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) hears relationship disputes between the employer and the employee or their union. It is also the NLRB, which determines which union will represent an employees’ unit. 
But for those whose employer-employee relations are not governed by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), NLRB cannot exercise jurisdiction over them. However, they may bring their disputes for resolution under other federal and state laws.
For those who belong to the railway and airline industries, their employer-employee relations are governed not by the NLRA but by the Railway Labor Act.
For public employees in federal government agencies, their relations are governed by the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
To those who have been taken advantage by their employers, they may invoke the provision of the law. Issues that usually arise out of this employer-employee relationship include, but not limited to, the following:
•    Hours of work
•    Overtime pay
•    Benefits
•    Working conditions
In the State of California, the employer-employee relations between the state and the employees are specifically dealt with under the California Government Code. The law seeks to promote full communication between the state and its employees by providing a reasonable method of resolving disputes regarding:
•    Wages
•    Hours or work
•    Other terms and conditions of employment
The law also promotes the improvement of personnel management and employer-employee relations within the State of California by providing a uniform basis to recognize the right of state employees in joining organizations of their own choosing and to be represented by those organizations in their employment relations with the state.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

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Family Medicine Chest - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Wellness

Among the strange items found in a half-dozen family medicine chests were old cloths to be used as bandages, cracked atomizer bulbs, horehound candy, shoehorns, curling irons, dried sponges, packages of seeds, hair grease, mange cure, face bleach, shoe polish, empty tooth paste and shaving cream tubes, fifty different remedies for colds, combs for permanent waves, bobby pins, the remaining partners of divorced cuff links, nail polish, bath salts, and discarded sets of teeth.
The number of antiseptics found, and their efficiency, varied tremendously. One or two antiseptics were found in some cases, and as many as six different antiseptics in others, individual members of the family having their own likes and dislikes in these matters.
A household remedy should be one with a certain definite action, and usually it should contain but one active ingredient. If the thing is worth keeping in the medicine chest it should be something which is used fairly frequently 
Dangerous poisons have no place in the family medicine chest. A dangerous poison is one which is likely to produce serious symptoms or death if taken in even moderate amounts.
The wise person will go over the family medicine chest at least once every three months and discard all materials not constantly in use. It is also well to have the family doctor take a look at the materials, offer his advice on those worth keeping, and make suggestions as to what is needed.
Suitable Items For Medicine Chests
Most families want to keep on hand a laxative or cathartic. Under certain circumstances any laxative or cathartic may be exceedingly dangerous, most conspicuously in appendicitis. Appendicitis is at first just an infected spot on a little organ which extends from the large bowel and which, apparently, has no serious function in the human body. If this infection develops, as a boil develops from a pimple, it is in danger of bursting and spreading throughout the body. Therefore, no laxative or cathartic should ever be taken when the abdomen is exceedingly painful.
Most modem women prefer to keep their cosmetics in their own boudoirs, but the man of the house is likely to put his into the family medicine cabinet. They should include, in most instances, a razor, which should be kept in its box and not permitted to lie around loose, also some shaving soap or cream, some face lotion, which may be either witch hazel or a special lotion which he prefers.
Among the antiseptics approved by the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry are preparations of hexylresorcinol and preparations of metaphen, also merthiolate, zephiran, cepryl, and neutral solutions of chlorinated soda and hydrogen peroxide. The Council has not approved antiseptics commonly represented as being useful in the relief of all sorts of infections of the throat and also for the prevention of various types of infectious diseases, including colds.
One of the best old-fashioned antiseptic solutions for common use around the home is boric-acid solution. Most people prefer to have packages of crystals of boric acid or of the powder and to make up the solution fresh just before use.
First Aid
In these days when everybody takes the chance of needing emergency first-aid treatment, because of the use of the automobile and wide indulgence in sports and gardening, it is well to have first-aid supplies in the family medicine chest. Among the materials needed are adhesive tape of various widths, sterile cotton, sterile gauze bandages, sterile gauze pads, and a scissors which should be kept in the medicine chest exclusively for such purposes. You should also have the ready-made combination of a piece of adhesive tape with a tiny piece of sterilized bandage, that can be used to cover small wounds after they have been treated with iodine or mercurochrome.
Most people should know that the proper way to stop bleeding of small wounds is simply to press upon them with a sterile piece of gauze.
In cases of very serious wounds affecting arteries, and thereby difficult to control, it may be necessary to put a tourniquet around the limb. The tourniquet should be fastened just tight enough to stop the bleeding. An ordinary piece of rubber tubing or a narrow towel tied and twisted with a stick will serve most purposes satisfactorily.
The family medicine chest may also contain aromatic spirits of ammonia, which is sometimes given when a prompt stimulant is needed, following fainting. Half a teaspoonful in water, for a sudden fainting spell, is a fairly safe thing to give in most cases of this emergency.
It is not advisable to use a styptic in the form of a stick of alum to stop slight bleeding after shaving. Much better are any of the astringent surgical powders, of which a small amount may be taken from the box on each occasion and applied directly to the bleeding point.
Finally, any good talcum powder may be used after shaving and after bathing, according to the individual preferences of the users 
It is taken for granted that every modem household has a good clinical thermometer, a hot water bottle, and an ice bag. These are three exceedingly useful devices in any home, and when they are available in an emergency the comfort they give is tremendous.
In addition to the materials used for first aid, most families will have bedpans for use in cases of illness, glass drinking-tubes, syringes for giving enemas, atomizers, and sometimes special devices for creating steam to be medicated with small amounts of tincture of benzoin for relief in various forms of hoarseness or other conditions affecting the larynx and the lungs.
Taking Medicine
Medicines rightly used can be of immense aid and comfort to the afflicted; wrongly used, they may cause serious damage to the human body. When a doctor prescribes medicines for a patient, they are for that particular patient and not for anybody else in the family.
When you measure out the medicine think of what you are doing and pay no attention to anything else. Medicines are usually prescribed in dosages of drops, teaspoons, fractions of teaspoons, and spoons of larger sizes. Because spoons are nowadays in many fanciful shapes and sizes, each family should have a medicine glass with measures of various spoons recorded. When a doctor prescribes a certain number of drops they should be measured with a medicine dropper and not by guesswork.
If liquid medicine is being prescribed the bottle should be thoroughly shaken each time before the medicine is measured. Most medicine should be mixed with a little water when taken, but sometimes the medicine may be put in the mouth and washed down with a swallow of water. Pills and capsules should either be handed to the patient from the original package, so that he may help himself, put the pill or capsule on the back of the tongue, and wash it down with a drink of water, or else be brought to the patient on a spoon, so that he may take the pill or capsule from the spoon. The person waiting on the patient should not carry the capsules or pills in the palm of the hand, where they may be softened or disintegrated by moisture or contaminated from the hands.
There are several ways in which medicines of unpleasant taste may be made more palatable. If very cold water is taken it will serve to cover up the taste. It is not advisable to give medicine to children in foods, particularly in milk, as this may create a distaste for the food or milk which lasts for a long time afterward.
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Child Development – A Guide For Parents - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda

The only time that you must be ready to start training and developing your child is when he or she has started talking. Many parents consider children as being small. The fact is that, there is no small child these days. We are now in computer age where children are too fast to learn and copy bad things.
Many parents just give birth to children and will not have time to train them. If you give birth to a child and you did not train him or her well to become a responsible person in the society, that child will pose a big problem to you later in future. It is not bringing a child or children into the world that matters but developing and training them to become responsible people in the entire society at large that matters.
There are many parents who quarrel among themselves because of the bad behavior of their child or children. If your child is not well trained or developed, that child will continue creating problem in your peaceful family. You will continue quarrelling with your wife or husband as the case may be because of the bad behavior of the child that both of you own.
Many children have grown up with bad behavior because their parents did not train them well or did not even train them at all.
The best time that you should be ready to start training and developing you child is when he or she has started talking and walking. Although, the child is still at a tender age but he or she will start learning both good and bad behavior. The child does not know which behavior is bad and good. It is now your duty as parents to be correcting him or her and you must also introduce discipline instead of just talking. Your child should be able to fear you. It is just unfortunate and disappointing that many children don’t fear their parents. If you discover that your child does not fear you, a very big problem has already started. Use this product to learn how you can train and develop your child to behave well.
 For more information please click Ajit Patel Sanda
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The Ten Best And Safest Toys To Choose For A Child - Ajit Patel Wemet ,Ajit Patel UK

It is fun to see a child’s eyes light up when in a toy store and wander through the aisles wanting just about everything. It is no wonder parents can be confused about what toys are actually safe and beneficial for the children. Commercials are no help either. The commercials are designed to entice children so they will plead with their parents to buy them the latest favorite toy du jour. There are a few toys that are perfect for all age groups though there are variances in the specific toy depending on the age and development of the child.
10.Electronic Toys
Electronic toys are appropriate for all ages. This does not mean to stick a child in front of a television or video game for eight hours on end. However, there are some great educational electronic toys for children of all ages. Electronic toys should be used in moderation and with supervision to be sure they are not misused. For younger children, alphabet games, spelling games and mathematical games can be helpful. Older children may enjoy story telling, computer programs with educational themes and skill games.
Bicycles offer a fun way to enjoy the outdoors and to get exercise. They will also help with strength and reflexes as well as motor skills. Bicycles can be dangerous if proper safety procedures are not followed so be sure to don your child in knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet. Make sure the bike is the correct height and skill level for the child. Older children can, of course, have bigger bicycles while younger children can use tricycles or bikes with training wheels. Younger children should be supervised at all times and only ride in places that are safe and free from larger motor vehicles. Older children should know the rules of the road and practice safe bicycling.
8.Music CD’s
Music CD’s that are appropriate for the age of the child are great for learning rhymes, vocabulary an singing. They can soothe a tired baby to sleep or help energize and uplift the spirits of a child. Music can stimulate the imagination and lead to little skits, dancing and imaginative play.
7.Cars, Trucks and Trains
Mobile toys can really spark the imagination. Children can create cities and roads and zoom through their room with their cars and trucks. Trains and train tracks can be very creative and also enhance motor skills as they are fitted together in imaginative ways. As children get older, they still like to play with these things but the toys get a bit more sophisticated. Older children might enjoy remote control cars or speedways. Electric trains can be a great hobby as well.
6.Board and Card Games
Board and card games will help a child develop cognitive skills and will help them with patience, taking turns and competition etiquette. It is also a great way for parents to engage their child in play because a lot of games are fun for the entire family. Look at the age levels on games and make sure the game is not too advanced for the child. There are games that will suit every age from baby through teenager.
5.Stuffed Animals, Action Figures and Dolls
Stuffed animals, action figures and dolls will get the creative juices flowing. They also often provide comfort to smaller children who enjoy pretending and cuddling with their inanimate friends. Parents can play with their children and children can use their imagination to play dress up, house and interact with their toys.
Blocks and similar building materials will help children develop their imagination as well as fine motor skills. The size and complexity of the blocks will vary with the age of the child. For smaller children larger blocks or connecting blocks that are easy to fit together and harder topple are best. As a child grows, the toys can become more complex so they have to thing and analyze the position of them. Older children can get elaborate erector sets with moving parts and flashing lights to build intricate cities and fantasy scenes. Be careful, though, to only get items that are age appropriate because smaller parts not intended for babies can pose a choking hazard.
3.Art Supplies
What parent doesn’t enjoy hanging their child’s latest masterpiece on the refrigerator? Art supplies come in a variety of mediums and there are plenty to suit every age group. This is a great way to hone fine motor skills and creativity. Paint, crayons, markers, clay, chalk and craft supplies can be purchased for children of any age. The older the child, the more complex the supplies can be.
Puzzles will help a child’s cognitive skills as well as motor skills. It is also a great activity for parents to get involved with. As children grow, the number of pieces can get larger and the pieces smaller and more difficult to assemble.
The best and safest toy around by far is a book. Books will serve a child well from infant through adult hood. Infants and toddlers can be read to by parents or an older sibling and enjoy books that have tactile images. Older children who are learning to read can read to parents simple books with good stories. Older children can have reading time by themselves with their favorite age appropriate stories and novels.

Parents worry about making sure that children have toys that will stimulate, educate and allow them to have fun. Parents should not get overly stressed over toy buying decisions. You are not going to stunt the child’s development by letting them have the newest fad every once in awhile but balance is the key and choosing a few items from the top ten safest and best toys will help ensure you have a well rounded supply of suitable toys.

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Friday, 28 April 2017

Five Things You Should do After a Tough Workout - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Wellness

A tough workout can improve health and build strong muscles and bones. These types of workouts also take a toll on the body in the hours afterward. People can experience pain, swelling and even cramps afterwards. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent these negative effects. Five things should be done in the hours after a tough workout.
Stretch and MoveOne of the first things to do is stretch and move gently. Stretching allows the body and the muscles to readjust to normal activity levels. Instantly moving into a state of rest can actually jar the muscles and increase soreness. Five to ten minutes of simple stretching followed by five to ten minutes of light activity like walking will reduce soreness and inflammation.
Eat and Drink WaterThe muscles are damaged during a tough workout. The body needs nutrients like glycol in order to repair this damage and build new muscle tissue. It is important to eat a meal containing high amounts of protein and complex carbohydrates. These are essential for building muscle mass. Drinking water will replenish the moisture lost through sweating and exertion. Water also improves the metabolism so the body can remove lactic acid and other substances that cause muscle pain.
Avoid Strenuous ActivitiesThe body needs to relax for at least one to four hours after a tough workout. This relaxation period should involve no strenuous activities. Lifting heavy items or pushing the body could turn normal tears in the muscle tissue into more serious injuries. The hours after a hard workout should involve mostly sitting, breathing and relaxing in a comfortable place.
Relax In a Hot TubA hot tub has a number of therapeutic benefits for anyone who just completed a tough workout. The heat from water will relieve inflammation and aching muscles. The different types of hot tub jets will soothe muscles and take away pain in the joints and back. A hot tub also increases blood circulation in the body. This allows more oxygen to reach muscles and organs so the body heals more quickly. It can help to visit a hot tub several times in the hours after a workout.
Nap for an Hour or MoreAfter stretching and relaxing, it will help to take a nap for an hour or more. Sleeping comfortably releases important hormones into the body. These hormones accelerate the rebuilding of muscle and bone tissue. A simple nap can reduce pain and swelling. It also shortens the overall recovery time.
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Natural Healing: 5 Remedies to Control Common Health Problems - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel UK

With health costs soaring, people are increasingly turning to natural remedies to prevent and cure many common health problems. There are a variety of herbs, natural foods and other healthy substances that can help you maintain optimum health. The following are five of nature’s most powerful healers:
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has an amazing number of health benefits. Using a small amount on a daily basis is a good tonic for your entire body, and it supports the immune system. It’s also an effective remedy for heartburn or indigestion. In addition to taking it when you have stomach problems, you can take some prior to eating foods that you know cause you distress to avoid the effects it might typically have on your body. Apple cider vinegar is also good to use when you have cold or flu symptoms, since it is known to help clear congestion and relieve a sore throat.
2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a plant that has been used for many different ailments throughout history. Used topically, it can soothe burns and skin problems. Consumed as a juice, it’s very high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and healthy fatty acids. Many people take aloe vera to aid with digestion as well. It has helped many who suffer from acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome. Aloe vera also helps balance the body’s pH levels since it is more alkaline, which will help your body ward off illness and disease.
3. Garlic
Garlic is not only a flavoring for many dishes, it’s also a powerful natural remedy. One of the main reasons for taking garlic is to control blood pressure. The anti-inflammatory properties of garlic make it effective for treating or preventing colds as well. lists garlic as one of nature’s best remedies for the cold and flu. If you are using it for colds, it’s best to eat the garlic raw in small pieces or minced in your food. Garlic loses many of its helpful properties when it is cooked. Used on the skin, it can also help clear up acne and psoriasis.
4. Green Tea
This is a beverage that has been popular in many Asian countries for centuries. Recently, however, the many health benefits of green tea have been discovered by the rest of the world. The antioxidants in green tea are helpful for supporting heart health. It’s a gentler stimulant than coffee. There is evidence that regular consumption of green tea can aid with weight loss. It may also be helpful for treating or preventing gum disease. 
5. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne is used to make food more spicy and flavorful, but it also has many medicinal uses. It has anti-fungal and anti-allergen properties that can help to clear up many conditions. Some migraine headache sufferers find that cayenne is useful for preventing headaches. It also stimulates the circulatory and digestive systems.
Nature is a vast medicine chest that has many helpful plants, herbs and other beneficial substances. The above are some of the most powerful natural remedies you can find. They are all relatively inexpensive and easy to find as well.
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Water or Herbal Tea: Which is Better For You? - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Wellbeing

Herbal tea can be an important part of complementary wellness, but which is better for your wellbeing – herbal tea or just pure water?
Most experts recommend that you should consume around two litres of fluid every day. Not all of that has to be in the form of water, however, contrary to popular belief. You can take some of your fluids in the form of soups, fruits, vegetables, regular tea and, of course, herbals teas. These all contain water, but add a bit of variety to your daily fluid intake. In addition to this, herbal tea can have some great health benefits.
Chamomile tea is a popular one. It has a slightly sedative effect on the nervous system which means it can help to calm you down and can also contribute towards helping you get a good night’s sleep. It appeared in the Beatrix Potter Peter Rabbit book, where the little bunny’s mum used it to help soothe his sore tummy – and this is really the case, as the tea can reduce tummy aches, indigestion and spasms. Those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome often swear by this tea for reducing the severity of attacks.
Ginger tea is another good one – it has been used for centuries and can help to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women in a safe way. It also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and can be used to help reduce the pain of arthritis and to ease painful period pains. Ginger tea is also often used for treating colds and flu, as it helps to reduce mucous congestion.
Lemon balm tea has been shown to help reduce agitation in patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. It can also be good for those who are prone to anxiety and can help to calm and soothe. It is often used to settle night time digestion and help with sleep, too.
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Thursday, 27 April 2017

Change of Scenery: Destinations to Help Your Health - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Wellness

Since ancient times, the healing powers of the earth, water, and air have been known to humans. In the modern world, some people need to escape urban, or suburban life and explore some remote destinations that actually have soothing and healing properties.
Hot Springs
The United States is home to plenty of natural hot springs in various terrains such as deserts, forests, and mountains. The southwest region is home to numerous hot springs in Arizona. The Grand Canyon national park area has multiple hot springs that are hidden within deep caves, or narrow valleys. Humans try to duplicate the effects of hot springs by having whirlpool tubs and Jacuzzis at home, but nothing beats the natural powers of superheated water gushing down on your body. Some hot springs have steam that is comparable to the effects in dry and wet saunas.
Salt Baths
The healing powers of natural salt minerals have been used since ancient times. Dissolved and solid salts in water consist of much more than just sodium. There are other naturally occurring minerals that are found within salty lakes and bodies of water throughout the world. In the United States, the Great Salt Lake in Utah offers some of the best salt baths for treating the skin, and other body parts. Salty water can gently scrape off dead skin cells, and provide healing properties to any common skin conditions such as acne and psoriasis.
Mud Baths
The healing properties of mud can be very powerful in rejuvenating and treating skin. There are several worldwide destinations that offer all natural mud baths for tourists. For example, Turkey boasts multiple locations along the Black Sea, and Mediterranean Sea that allow guests to fully cover themselves in dark mud, and reap the benefits of the rich minerals. The Dead Sea in Israel is also home to its black natural mud that attracts plenty of tourists seeking some natural healing, and rejuvenation for the skin. Man made mud baths are now becoming popular body and facial treatments at spas worldwide.
Sometimes, people just need a little bit of clean air and a nice environment to enjoy the healing powers of nature.Real estate experts in mild areas like Fairbanks Ranch, California, or Tuscon, Arizona can show clients listings of resort style homes that are surrounded by clean desert air, and wonderful amenities such as championship golf courses, swimming pools, fitness centers and other features designed to improve one’s health level. Take advantage of the natural healing powers of the earth today.
 For more information please click Ajit patel wellness
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Time for an Outdoor Family Adventure - Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Sanda

It’s summertime, the school holidays are here and children want nothing more than to be outside playing in the sun. But today’s children are more likely to be found in their bedrooms playing computer games than outdoors enjoying the natural environment. Modern parents are generally more cautious than previous generations about letting their children play outside without adult supervision. As a result, many of today’s kids are missing out on fresh air and exercise. As a result, children today are less likely to understand the natural environment in the same way that their grandparents did.
But it’s not just about understanding nature – outdoor play has lots of other advantages for children, from encouraging exercise to building social skills. In addition, children who regularly play outdoors have also been shown to sleep better and perform better  at school.
The National Trust believes that children should be encouraged to play outdoors more and to interact with the natural environment in a positive way. They are keen to see a return to outdoor pastimes such as den building, tree climbing and camping – activities which some parents are reluctant to allow their children to try for fear of injury. 
To inspire and encourage families to get out and about into the great outdoors, the National Trust has an on-going campaign that revolves around 50 things to do before you are 11 ¾. The list includes exciting activities such as flying a kite, catching a fish with a net and even to canoe down a river.  The National Trust believes these activities represent things that every child should experience and says that enjoying outdoor adventures helps children connect with the natural environment, builds confidence and promotes creativity.
The National Trust’s list of 50 things was compiled by the charity’s staff who were asked which childhood memories had contributed to their own love of nature. The diversity of the list includes simple things that a child could do with their friends such as ‘play conkers’ to more structured activities that can be enjoyed as a family – for example, ‘cook on a campfire’.
Although it’s important to educate children about dangers, the benefits of playing outdoors are plain to see. By teaching children to act sensibly and by making sure they know what to do in an emergency, kids can experience all the wonders that the natural environment has to offer. The National Trust website even gives safety tips for each activity so there is no excuse for not being adventurous. Discovering the natural environment from a young age is important for developing a life-long love and respect for nature that children can enjoy for years to come and pass on to future generations.
Beware of Summertime Dangers
Before you send your kids out on their supervised adventures, take steps to minimise the following potential problems that summer fun can pose.
With summer 
comes that sun and, if you’re not careful, sunburn. Make sure children always wear sun cream (at least factor 35). Apply frequently and always after splashing about in water. In hot weather children should not be out in the noon sun, unless adequately protected with appropriate clothing, hats and sunglasses.
WaterChildren love water, but drowning is one of the biggest nightmares during the summer months and can happen even when they’re only out of sight for a few minutes. Make sure that children are supervised all the time they’re near water whether it’s a shallow paddling pool, river or the beach, and always use proper flotation devices. Most cheap water wings and armbands aren’t suitable. Check before you buy. Make sure you empty paddling pools after use and if you have a permanent pool use a safety cover or a fence to keep children out.
And while we’re on the subject of water, make sure your child drinks enough water during the summer months. Very often, dehydration can creep up unnoticed, because children are too busy playing and having fun to drink enough fluids.
First Aid
Children get more knocks, bumps and scrapes during the summer months than any other time. Make sure your first aid kit is fully stocked for the inevitable falls, cuts and insect bites. And never let your children play outside unsupervised without first teaching them the importance of road safety.
Have plenty of family fun, but stay safe!
For more information please click Ajit patel Sanda
Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Ajit Patel Wemet, Ajit Patel Wellness - Why Is Humor Important in Your Life?

Do you think you can make it through the day without fun and laughter? Can you imagine the world without humor? Indeed, it will not be appealing since every people you may encounter along your way will have grimace or serious faces. You won’t find it pleasurable if even once in a while you can’t laugh or even smile.
Humor, in a form of jokes and amusements, is important because it is one of the major ways that you can laugh out. Laughter is good as it symbolizes happiness. In fact, studies show that laughter is the best medicine; if you laugh or smile, there are lesser muscles being used than frowning.
In your daily activities
Everyday people are being engaged with lots of activities. Like for instance, fathers go to work to earn for a living; students go to school to shape their future; mothers stay home to take care of their children; and children play around. If all of them focus on their goals seriously, they may get tired. There is a possibility that they may not see the real meaning of their lives because humor is not there.
It is a great feeling when in the middle of your being preoccupied, a joke from your office mate strikes. You will then find yourself hysterically laughing. Humor can lighten up your days. It gives you opportunity to rest for a while and to loosen up.
When you laugh, you will feel like being freed from stress and pressure. Actually, once you focus on the positive side of life like never minding problems that can make you feel sad, it has the ability to make you look young and healthy.
It may help you see and appreciate the beauty of the world. It can help reduce negative atmosphere when there is threat of arguments among your colleagues.
In a Teaching
Perhaps, you have been in a seminar or in a class. Listening is essential for you to learn. But when you find your instructor boring, you tend to be distracted. That’s the time when you focus yourself on imagining pleasurable thoughts to divert your attention. But this will also hinder you to acquire knowledge from your instructor.
Sense of humor must be included in the characters of teachers. This way, they will be able to get the attention of their students to focus on the lesson matter. If everybody in the room would laugh, it will help them relieve the tension and feel more relax. Each of the students will have the interests to interact during the class. They will feel more comfortable with their instructor.
In Entertainment
Entertainment will not be pleasurable without humor in it. Like for instance, attending a party must be entertaining. You got the chance to meet other people and to mingle with them. But if you would only talk about pure business, you might find yourself want to leave and go home.
Humor has the power to unite the people together. For those artists who have sense of humor, they capture the hearts of many audiences. The audiences feel being closed to their idols. And also, they will have an impression that their idols are approachable compared to those artists who are strict and serious.
Impersonators and drag queens are really appreciated with the way they make others laugh with their fabulous and colourful wigs, attire, and makeup. The viewers enjoy watching them because of their great humor.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellness

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield

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