Whilst it might not seem like a big deal, it’s always important to make sure your yoga mat is clean before practicing the discipline. It may seem like a petty concern to address, but it is important to ensure that the environment you practice within is peaceful and free from any form of sensory-distraction. Therefore doing yoga, in an untidy room with a mat that smells, might result in such distractions and prevent the location of your inner-self that the use of yoga seeks to achieve.
Like many delicate fabrics and materials, your mat needs to be washed carefully, and chances are you’ve probably lost the instructions on the best way of doing this. If this is the case, you need not fret, as below is a quick-guide on how to clean your mat without damaging it.
The best method is cleaning it in a non-abrasive manner with the use of hand washing. In order to do this, you can use a simple solution of lukewarm water with 3-4 drops of soap and simply rub the dirty areas to make them clean. However, if your map has more stubborn stains you can also put it in a bath full of warm water and soap and let it soak for a few minutes.
If you’d prefer to do so, you can always throw it in the washing machine, but if you take this approach make sure you use a mild-detergent or washing-powder as anything else could damage the fabric. It’s also important to avoid using the spin-cycle and use cold water to safe-guard against fibre-erosin.
Once, the mat has been washed properly, you should rinse it in clean, lukewarm water. You should not attempt to squeeze or fold it, but just let the water runoff it naturally. To dry it – rub it with a dry cloth or hang it up in fresh-air.
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