Monday, 19 June 2017

The Importance of a Clean Yoga Mat -Ajit Pate Wemet

Whilst it might not seem like a big deal, it’s always important to make sure your yoga mat is clean before practicing the discipline. It may seem like a petty concern to address, but it is important to ensure that the environment you practice within is peaceful and free from any form of sensory-distraction. Therefore doing yoga, in an untidy room with a mat that smells, might result in such distractions and prevent the location of your inner-self that the use of yoga seeks to achieve.
Like many delicate fabrics and materials, your mat needs to be washed carefully, and chances are you’ve probably lost the instructions on the best way of doing this. If this is the case, you need not fret, as below is a quick-guide on how to clean your mat without damaging it.
The best method is cleaning it in a non-abrasive manner with the use of hand washing. In order to do this, you can use a simple solution of lukewarm water with 3-4 drops of soap and simply rub the dirty areas to make them clean. However, if your map has more stubborn stains you can also put it in a bath full of warm water and soap and let it soak for a few minutes.
If you’d prefer to do so, you can always throw it in the washing machine, but if you take this approach make sure you use a mild-detergent or washing-powder as anything else could damage the fabric. It’s also important to avoid using the spin-cycle and use cold water to safe-guard against fibre-erosin.
Once, the mat has been washed properly, you should rinse it in clean, lukewarm water. You should not attempt to squeeze or fold it, but just let the water runoff it naturally. To dry it – rub it with a dry cloth or hang it up in fresh-air.
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The Benefits of P90X Yoga - Ajit Patel Wemet

Recently, a new type of yoga, known as P90X yoga, has focused on increasing physical strength as well as reducing stress, locating inner-peace and promoting calm and relaxation – some of the benefits that are most commonly associated with the discipline.
This type of yoga, can provide the user with a broad range of physical benefits including offering the body a greater resistance to injury. By engaging in stretching and posture-holding movements for short bursts of up to a minute at a time, muscle and joint flexibility can be improved, increasing flexibility and allowing for your body to experience a greater range of motion. It can also serve as a highly-effective form of therapy if you are recovering from strain and injury, helping to facilitate and strengthen the healing process.
By adding P90X yoga to your training or fitness routine, you are also likely to experience greater levels of stamina during work-out sessions. This is caused by deep-breathing patterns that can enable a greater oxygenation of blood-flow around the body making it more difficult for tiredness to set in. As with other types of yoga, the technique can also relieve body-stress and tension – two potential consequences of rigorous work-outs that can also allow you to work-out for longer in a more productive manner. However, as P90X yoga can initially place fairly significant, physical demands on the body, it is important to adapt to it slowly and systematically, in order to avoid over-exerting your body. Taking a gradual approach, will allow your body to become more flexible at a measured-pace, reducing the possibility of straining muscles that may not have been strained for such lengthy periods of time, previously.
Whilst, some of the explicitly-physical benefits of this approach are very important for some people, it should also be pointed out, that this technique can also provide the mental-health benefits of other yoga forms. Regularly undertaking P90X techniques will enable concentration and focus, which can also help to enhance stamina levels.
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The Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage - Ajit Patel Wemet

A marvellous antidote to the “wear and tear” of the working-week and all its frustrations, pressures and strains can be getting a massage. Massages can be an incredibly effective and efficient means of relaxing relatively quickly, allowing you to feel much better within, “your own body”, as well as helping to restore balance to your body’s systems.
In order to relieve stress the most effective form of massage you can get is a deep-tissue massage – which is designed to dissipate the level of toxins in your body, without completely expelling them. As a deep-tissue massage involves a rigorous physical manipulation to your body, it is essential to be fully-hydrated before undertaking it. Also, brace for its effects as this type of massage can make you feel quite sore, and you may initially experience muscular discomfort, similar to the aches you may experience following an intensive work-out session.
If this approach is not to your taste, you could opt for a gentler version, which involves the practitioner gently rubbing your muscles instead of applying deep pressure and manipulation. Ideally, you should ask for myofascial techniques to be combined with Shiatsu. Both are different massage approaches and can work very well together in eliminating pain and optimising body-motions. Mysofascial techniques are beneficial as they can achieve the outcomes of deep-tissue massaging without as much pressure being applied to your body, and Shiatsu is able to create a similar effect to acupuncture without the use of needles.
As with most physical activities, it is important to practice deep-breathing whilst you receive your massage in order to assist oxygen-flow, toxin-release and relaxation. And of course, make sure you drink plenty of liquids – especially if you are getting a massage in a hot room.
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Friday, 16 June 2017

Taking A Broad Approach To The Problem Of Insomnia - Ajit Patel Wemet

Insomnia is a more widespread problem than most people think, with nearly 40% of people experiencing some symptoms in any given year, according to US statistics. Alarmingly, as many as 15% of adults experience this problem in chronic form, which can have a devastating effect on their daily life and wellbeing. In order to avoid the problems of drug dependency, complementary and alternative health techniques are now widely recommended for solving sleep problems.
Researchers from Harvard Medical School worked together with John Hopkins University School of Medicine to outline the different categories of wellness techniques used to combat insomnia. They concentrated on Complementary and Alternative (CAM) methods to establish four main categories:
Alternative and mind-body medicine – traditional forms of movement meditation such as yoga and tai chi, as well as basic sitting meditation.
Manipulative practices – techniques relying on contact with a holistic therapist, including massage, chiropractic end osteopathy.
Natural products – a range of dietary supplements and natural tranquilisers such as melatonin and valerian root.
Other CAM practices – a range of complementary therapies including acupuncture, homeopathy, naturopathy and Ayurveda.
The research project looked into the proportion of CAM users who inform the doctor of the alternative therapy they are using. Sadly, it seems that very few people actually share this knowledge with their doctor; a fact probably down to the tension that still exists between complementary and modern medicine. It is important that GPs open their mind to the field of complementary health in order to provide the best guidance to their patients, many of whom can be saved from the side effects of a pharmaceutical drug prescription by trying natural methods first. Responsible health care should include having an open mind to every therapeutic solution – after all, there are as many paths to health as there are individuals.
It is important that doctors inform themselves of the whole range of complementary therapies and work together with their colleagues across the divide in order to bring a full choice of healthcare to the public. This could well lead to the promotion of greater responsibility over individual health, where the convenient option is not always the one chosen – after all, it’s a lot easier to take a valium to get to sleep than to go out to a local yoga class. At minimum, all doctors should have a ready toolkit of self-applied techniques to teach their patient; covering muscle relaxation exercises, deep breathing and visualisation techniques.
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How Meditation Can Help Reduce Stress And Anxiety - Ajit Patel wemet

The daily hunt for food, fighting for your life and surviving under harsh living conditions has ceased to exist for most of us. Unless you include fighting for a seat in your daily commute to the office, life today is less ‘fight or flight’ and more ‘stop, relax and think right’. Even though we have all the food we need, a roof over our heads and usually at least one friend or family member to share experiences with; we are still unhappy. The reason for this is that we are always grasping for pleasurable things or ruminating over negative things. We are never simply being in the moment and enjoying what it gives us.

The fact that we have too much choice and an influx of information in our lives gives us extremely busy minds that seem unable to simply be in the moment witnessing the beautiful experience of existence as it is. Add this to the fact that we still have the ‘fight or flight’ instinct that is now being expressed not physically but in the mental stress of our daily lives, and you can see that we all need something to help support our mental processes.

Meditation is an ancient practice that is being used to reduce stress in today’s society with great success. It also increases your sense of wellbeing and improves the way you look at the world and yourself. There are many different way to meditate but they all involve relaxed concentration. Focusing gently on the feeling of your breath entering and leaving your body, looking at a mandala or chanting some sacred sounds involve calm awareness of what you are doing.

You can also try “mindfulness” – simply witnessing all your actions with a calm mind and detachment. Buddhist monks often do this while they are walking. You will find it extremely calming to just be aware of each step, the feeling of your foot connecting with the earth, the movement of your body and the witnessing of any thoughts that might pass through your mind. When thoughts arise they usually give rise to more thoughts so it is far better to just watch your thoughts come and then let them pass; watch them just flow away.

The mind is like an ocean and consciousness is the surface. When thoughts arise they are like bubbles that rise up from the bottom of the sea and disappear when they reach the surface. The more you become aware of your thoughts, the more you can let go of them and free your mind. This sensation is extremely liberating and helps us to completely let go of stress, worries, fears, attachments, desires and many other feelings.

It is very easy to get started with meditation. All you need to do is search for a local meditation group or buy a book on the subject. Nowadays, meditation is an essential complementary medicine for your wellbeing and an excellent means to achieve a high level of wellness in all areas of your life.
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How You Can Reduce The Need For Dialysis Naturally - Ajit Patel Wemet

Even at the time your Doctor tells you that you need dialysis treatment for your kidneys, there are still natural healing therapies that can help get your kidneys working better. Natural healing therapies have been reported to have prevented the need for dialysis treatment by improving kidney function and also removing the intake of many toxins that make our kidneys work harder unnecessarily. As soon as you get any symptoms of kidney problems you could start practicing yoga, improve your diet and take recommended natural therapies that may help kidney function. It is also important to improve the functioning of your waste disposal system – your bowels. If you make sure you are regularly going to the toilet (at least once a day), this will reduce the work your kidneys have to do in order to cleanse toxins from your body.

Improve your diet

Cut out processed foods as much as possible. This includes all fast food, ready-made meals, and processed meat and cheese. Eat only natural, organic food that has no additives in it where possible. The additives and chemicals in processed food put extra strain on your kidneys; cut these foods out and your kidneys will not need to work so hard. Increase the intake of foods that have been prescribed by complementary health practitioners, such as: bottle gourd, pointed gourd and radish vegetables. Also increase the intake of pumpkin, papaya and specially prepared drinks like banana water, green gram water and bottle gourd juice.

Take herbal remedies

  • Boerhavia Diffusa: a diuretic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Tribulus Terrestris: a diuretic and also helps with kidney dysfunction, the removal of kidney stones and dysuria.
  • Tinospora Cordifolia has been known for strengthening the immune system of the body; useful for helping to clear kidney infections.
  • Boerhavia diffusa: a diuretic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Tribulus terrestris: another diuretic herb which assists in the removal of kidney stones, dysuria and kidney dysfunction.
  • Tinospora cordifolia: a herb which strengthens the immune system of the body.
Practice Yoga or Tai Chi

The coordinated breath, physical movement and relaxation techniques of these practices are excellent means of improving kidney function, all round wellbeing and strengthening the immune system. You can also practice specialist postures and movements in both yoga and tai chi that has been known to help improve kidney function for hundreds of years. Many people have reported that these practices have improved their kidney function to the extent that they do not require insulin injections or even dialysis treatment.

As with all wellness issues, it is highly recommended to consult qualified naturopaths and medical doctors to explain in detail your medical condition and any complementary products you are thinking of taking.
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Saturday, 10 June 2017

How Could Essential Oils Give Your Wellness A Boost? - Ajit Patel Wemet

Essential oils are a staple of complementary wellness, as these naturally concentrated biological substances are packed with powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These natural extracts have been used throughout history to treat various diseases and illnesses, and today, aromatherapy is getting more attention than ever as more and more people are noticing the hugely effective benefits essential oils can have on wellness.
Though essential oils are widely used for the manufacturing of various cosmetics, perfumes, beauty products and soaps, they can also have a therapeutic impact on your wellbeing. Many people are unaware of the significance of these oils, but they can prove to be extremely advantageous for healing different diseases, both mentally and physically. These days, Ayurvedic clinics even use these oils for their treatment processes, so what’s so great about them?
There are many valuable elements to essential oils, including rich, natural sources of vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, minerals and many others. These elements are vital in maintaining fitness and overall health, from your hair to your skin, and some oils even have superb detoxification properties. The natural extraction of these oils means that they actually have more impact on your body, but as there are over 200 different kinds of essential oils available, how do you know which ones to choose?
A reliable essential oils exporter can provide you with a high quality product right at your door step. A professional exporter is the only one that understands the value of quality essential oils, and delivers this quality on a global scale. If you are considering buying essential oils, make sure your exporter is reliable with a good track record and international standards of excellence, especially with regard to quality and customer satisfaction.
However, just because essential oils need to be of a high quality to be effective, that doesn’t mean that they have to be expensive. A good essential oils exporter should also be cost-effective, and price is certainly no indication that what’s inside is any good. Suppliers can still extract essential oils from inappropriate sources and whack a huge price tag on them, but exporters with their own manufacturing process make it possible to get quality essential oils at the right price. Look online and make sure to fully research any oils exporter if you want to purchase the best quality of essential oils for you and your family.
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Effective Salt Solutions For Cold and Flu Symptoms - Ajit Patel Wemet

While the idea of a cure for the common cold might be nothing but a pipe dream, many people are still looking for effective relief of the symptoms of cold and flu. But quite often chemicals and drugs are found to quite ineffective which has seen many people choosing homeopathic alternatives such as solutions made with salt and saline.
One non-pharmacological therapy for sinus congestion and sinus infections know as nasal saline irrigation. This treatment has been known for centuries to be effective in preventing and treating these conditions. It has even been promoted by the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, which stated that salt can bring relief to these conditions by removing allergens from the nostrils and sinuses.
However, it’s important to use the right kinds of salts as some are less than perfect as a treatment for colds. Salts that contain iodine, anti-caking agents and preservatives can actually irritate the nasal lining and shouldn’t be used. Some of the salts you can use, to avoid these irritants, are pickling salts or Himalayan sea salts. The latter is readily and conveniently available.
Another option using salt to counter the effects of cold and flu symptoms is known as Salt Air Therapy. Salt Air Therapy is the process of breathing in air that contains dry, micronised salt particles which then travel to all areas of the lungs providing a natural cleansing to maintain the respiratory system from within.
This is a safe and natural way to clean the lungs which then promotes the body’s own natural defences to help you get over the cold or flu as soon as possible. If you’re looking for another simple trick try gargling salt water to help keep your throat free from allergens and other problems.
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Do You Need to Take Care of Your Body, Mind and Spirit? - Ajit Patel Wemet

When you have a family to look after, you can sometimes forget that you need to look after your own wellbeing as well as the wellness of those you love. There never seems enough time or energy left at the end of a day to have some good old fashioned “you time,” but this unfortunately means you neglect the needs of your body, mind and spirit – your primary food.
Coined by the IIN School, the term “primary foods” refers to what feeds the soul; loving relationships, regular exercise, spiritual practice and a fulfilling career. When you have these four factors in balance, everything else falls into place. It’s not just a healthy diet that nourishes you, but other complementary elements affect your overall health and wellbeing, and so making a few simple changes can give you big results.
Firstly, carve out daily quiet time, in which you give yourself the opportunity to recharge. Whether you use this time to read a book, pray, meditate or journal, this is your time and can really shape the rest of your day. You might like to try an exercise called Morning Pages (developed by Julia Cameron), to relax your mind for the rest of the day. As soon as you wake up in the morning, write down everything and anything that is on your mind, as soon as it pops into your head, before you get out of bed. This allows your worries to leave your mind and get onto paper, and calms and refreshes your busy brain during the day.
Next, try and find an exercise that you enjoy, aiming to put aside 30 minutes to one hour 4 times per week to do it. Whether you want to get out of the house and go for a jog, or stay in with a dance or workout DVD when the kids are asleep, the key is to just make the time to get up and move. It’s not about losing weight (although that can be a wonderful side effect!) but exercise also helps reduce your stress, improve your sleep, increase your energy levels, lower your blood pressure and strengthen your heart.
Finally, take time to connect with your spouse on a daily basis. You may have kids that take up a lot of time and energy, but your family is based on a solid relationship between you and your spouse, and so it’s important to nurture it, even if it’s just half an hour after the kids go to bed. You might need to get out of the house and go for a date, just the two of you, or, if you can’t find a babysitter, find some fun “date night in” to do. Just making these three changes can help you find better balance overall, and improve your wellbeing to the heights that you deserve.
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Thursday, 8 June 2017

Five Natural Ways to Detox - Ajit Patel Wemet

The main goal of detoxing naturally after drug addiction is to get rid of the toxic remnants that have built up in your body while you were abusing drugs. You can choose to detox naturally to make sure you get as many toxins out of your body as possible. Your liver is the organ that processes and stores drugs that enter your body. If there is a significant drug buildup in your liver, it can cause toxicity. Leftover drugs in your system can also cause residual cravings or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Luckily, there are several natural things you can do to safely detox after drug addiction and Find a rehab right for you.
The first thing to do is start drinking 72 to 96 ounces of water each day. Drinking lots of water will flush the drugs and toxins out of your liver and kidneys. It will also help you to sweat more toxins out of your skin.
Engaging in at least one hour of aerobic exercise a day is another component of natural drug detoxing. Activities such as running, swimming and hiking will strengthen your liver and other organs. You will also release toxins by sweating.
Ingesting natural supplements can help to cleanse your organs and increase overall health. Sodium alginate is a natural compound found in seaweed that will join with toxins in your digestive system, thus preventing them from being absorbed into your bloodstream. To be effective, you should eat two to three ounces of seaweed every day. Inulin is a substance that increases bile flow and helps your liver to detoxify. To get the proper amount of inulin, take 500 milligrams of a dandelion flower supplement once a day with a meal. Another great supplement for natural drug detox is ginger. Simply drink one cup of ginger tea each day. The gingerol in the tea will encourage sweating and cause toxins to be released through your skin. To make the tea, cut up one ginger root, and then put it in a cup of boiling water and honey. Allow it to steep for about 10 minutes before drinking.
Fasting is another way to detoxify your body naturally. However, it is not recommended for people in poor health or who are underweight. Fasting increases the rate of detoxification because your body no longer needs to use energy to digest food. It uses this extra energy to heal itself. It is usually safe to fast for one or two days on your own, but longer fasts need to be approved and supervised by your doctor.
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5 Reasons Going All Natural Improves Your Health - Ajit Patel Wemet

With all the fad diets and health trends over the years, one healthy lifestyle has stood the test of time. Eating unprocessed foods, using natural hygiene products and avoiding harmful chemicals are things nearly every doctor will recommend. If you’ve been suffering from a variety of mystery ailments and generally poor health, consider some of the benefits of living an all-natural lifestyle:
Fewer Aches & Pains
Many people don‘t realize they are allergic to the various chemical additives found in so many processed foods. Flavor enhancers, like mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), are found in a variety of foods, including Chinese restaurant dishes, instant noodles and even popular snack foods, like Doritos. These additives are notorious for triggering migraines. Artificial sweeteners, like sugar alcohols, can also have painful repercussions. Because these chemicals aren’t digested like natural sugar, many people experience digestive distress after consuming diet products.
Boost of Energy
Another great reason to go natural is that eating unprocessed foods, such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables, can give you more energy and even help eliminate vertigo symptoms and listlessness. While prepackaged meals and fast food are convenient, many people don’t realize that the excess sodium, fat and preservatives in these foods can sap you of your energy. Fresh produce and whole grains, on the other hand, supply your body with valuable nutrients and help energize you.
Maintain Your Weight
Having more energy can motivate you to exercise more often, leading to a healthy weight loss and maintenance of your ideal weight. Also, avoiding processed fats, such as the hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils found in many shelf-stable snacks, can lower your cholesterol and keep your heart healthy.
Treat the Cause, Not Just Symptoms
Natural remedies, such as herbal medicines and nourishing foods, are more effective at fighting colds and supporting the immune system than many over the counter drugs. In addition, while artificially derived medications may mask various symptoms, they often do not address the underlying cause of an ailment.
Supple Skin without Chemicals
In addition to consuming as natural a diet as possible, you can experience great benefits from choosing all natural hygiene products as well. A natural moisturizer, such as Shea butter or coconut oil, can dramatically improve skin elasticity without leaching harmful chemicals such as cancer-causing parabens into your blood stream.
When you consider the outstanding benefits of natural products and the risks of consuming their chemical-laden counterparts, the all-natural choice is clear.
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Vinyasa Yoga and Health: The Subtler Side - Ajit Patel Wemet

Article by Carly Budhram: Ten years ago, the practice of yoga tumbled into my life and never left. I had already spent years modifying my diet and performing cardiovascular exercise from an initial desire to be thinner; over time, I learned that there were other valuable benefits to exercise that I came to want even more. Energy! Focus! Mood boosting! And above all, the power to fight stress of all kinds – work; family and friends; anxiety and depression; major life decisions and changes.

Yoga took this revelation to a new level; I gained a deeper, more subtle, and more powerful experience of improving my own health. It brought together an awareness of the body and the mind, something I knew I loved – but also introduced the heart. Pattabhi Jois said that “Vinyasa” means “to place in a special way.” This can be attributed not only to careful alignment of our bodies on the mat, but to exploring our thoughts and the effects they have on us; choosing carefully when we express how we feel. With careful attention to the movements of our mind and heart via linking breath to asana, we can explore and refine how we see and hold ourselves, as well as how we relate to the world. As we learn to become more easeful in postures, we also develop an internal capacity for comfort with our external lives and who we are in them.

I would like to highlight three ways in which I’ve found Vinyasa yoga can become a playground for well-rounded, healthful living:

Strength. We learn to specifically align our bones so that we can derive optimal use of our muscles. We pull energy into our bodies to stabilize, ground, and center. This helps us endure longer holds, as well as retain our focus when we’d much rather leave the pose. This training in endurance can further allow us to diligently stay with feelings that are uncomfortable. Instead of pushing them away, we courageously “stay in the fire,” diving deeper into what is scary, and get to understand our fears better. Creating a solid, secure center is the foundation for developing receptivity to exactly how we show up, in all our forms, light and dark. We have to practice in order to build our mental and emotional “muscles” as much as the ones just below our skin.

Flexibility. The most commonly accepted reason to practice asana today is to find more physical flexibility. We make our muscles more pliable so that we can move through our daily tasks with ease and comfort. The same is true for softening our rigid thinking about “right” and “wrong” ways to tackle problems. We can get creative and find more nuanced, unique, and appropriate ways of handling life. We practice a sense of grace as we flow from one posture to the next, without holding on to how it should feel or look, and in the same way we can find a fluidity in our response when the universe hands us something we wouldn’t have chosen for ourselves – a sudden financial struggle, an unexpected death of someone near to us, an illness that prevents us from carrying on as we’d planned. We find acceptance – whether it be of the uncooperative body part or the emotionally taxing family member – and soften into the truth that we must relinquish control where it cannot be held, that our own response is where the work belongs.

Connection. One definition of yoga is to “yoke.” This can be thought of in a few ways, one being a relationship between our bodies, our thinking, and how we feel. On a gross level we may realize that sitting in a slouched position at work reduces our physical capacity to breathe and subsequently drains us of our energy and motivation. We are left feeling sluggish and foggy, or over longer periods even depressed. On a subtler level, yoga shows us that we often round the shoulders down and forward as a way of shielding the heart from pain. Opening and lifting the chest, allowing space for our breath and life force to flood and move us, can ultimately be the path to shedding our armor, healing our wounds.

Another way to think of connection is in the context of our relationships. The internal work we do to become stronger, softer, and more responsive to ourselves translates directly to treating others with the same love-filled respect. We extend a sensitivity and empathy to others. And when others hurt us, we can retain our stability and fluidity in the face of pain. This is where we practice yoga off the mat – through the repeated experiences of relating, loving, and being hurt. We are patient and willing, but know when to firmly, courageously put ourselves first. We are vulnerable and intimate, bringing richness to our relationships. We give equal space to sadness or anger as we do to joy and love. We become resilient. We grow. Sounds like health to me.

Yoga helps us step into a deeper listening, to ourselves and others, so that we may be more efficient with our energy and relaxed in our experience. After some time spent with the practice, a lithe body, improved heart function, and injury prevention (among a host of other benefits) seem to be the cherry on top.
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Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Could Yoga Therapy Help to Improve Your Wellness? - Ajit Patel Wemet

In India, nearly a century ago, a practice called yoga therapy began. Although it is not as old as the practice of yoga itself, this complementary therapy is being embraced by wider circles of people, convinced that it has had a strong effect on their wellness.
Yoga therapy is, in a way, the integration of ancient yogic practices with the more modern practice of medicine, and finds a middle ground between mainstream and complementary therapies to help improve both mental and physical wellbeing.
There are various different interpretations of yoga therapy, but the one thing that they all have in common is an understanding that the mind, body and spirit have to be integrated and taken into account in order to heal the whole person. The best way to understand yoga therapy is to think about it as a way to replace all bad aspects of your life with other, more positive ones. For example, it can help you to replace bad habits with new, better ones. Yoga therapy starts with the movements that you make on the yoga mat and extends through every aspect of your life, such as how you live, how you treat others and how you live.
The main aim of yoga therapy is to make sure that you live a simple, clean and healthy life, using the techniques of yoga to help make you as healthy in mind, body and spirit as possible.
Yoga therapy is now blooming as a professional therapy, with trained yoga therapists becoming more and more commonplace. Yoga therapy is now often personalised, with a yoga therapist working with an individual client to find what they need to improve their life in any way possible and to restore their wellness in any area of their life where it is lacking. Therapists will provide clients with personalised routine to help improve any physical or emotional ailments that they may be experiencing.
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Could You Find Balance with an Ayurvedic Massage? - Ajit Patel Wemet

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian holistic medical system based on achieving physical and mental harmony with nature. The 5,000-year-old complementary wellness therapy is made up of different things to improve your health, wellbeing, behaviour and state of mind, including diet, Yoga, massage, detoxification, herbal remedies, meditation and daily lifestyle. So Ayurveda, then, isn’t just a therapy; it’s a way of life.
This is according to the award-winning Ayurveda Pura in North Greenwich, where journalist Martha De Lacey recently visited for the first time. According to De Lacey, ‘Some two-thirds of the way into my decadent session on her massage table, my consciousness suddenly plummeted into the most delicious state of sleep, prompting my leg (as body-parts are prone to do when slipping out of wakefulness) to involuntarily spasm… kicking the good doctor in the face. It is testament to the power of her soothing hands and flawless technique that I managed so completely to leave life’s stresses at the door of her North Greenwich day spa and drift off.’
De Lacey explained, ‘Unlike a deep tissue massage, a Swedish massage or a sports massage, an Ayurvedic massage is a gentler, smoother, more sensory experience. Instead of pumelling knots, cracking joints and bending elbows the way they aren’t meant to bend, Dr Deepa slathered my whole body in comestible, herb-infused oils (in Ayurveda nothing is put on your skin that cannot be put in your mouth) and swept her palms over me, her hands never leaving my skin. Her touch – coupled with the soft, plinky-plunky music, the warm, dark room and the soft bed – sent me drifting off into sleep. Hence all the kicking.’
But what’s the point of it all? In Ayurveda, everything in the universe – including humans – are seen as composed of five basic elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. Ayurveda combines these elements into Vatta (air and space), Pitta (fire and water) and Kapha (water and earth) and while you have all three forces within you, the concentration of each force makes up your Prakriti, or your constitution. Illness is therefore seen as an imbalance of your elements, and Ayurveda aims to restore balance and reinstate health through massage. As De Lacey commented, ‘In other words: massages are essential. This is my kind of belief system.’
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How CanTurmeric Boost Your Health? - Ajit Patel Wemet

Ayurvedic medicines rely heavily on spices, and turmeric is one of the main additions to many treatments – it offers a host of health benefits and can significantly improve your general wellbeing. While it may not enhance flavours too much, you will easily be able to spot a dish that has it against one which doesn’t. Here are some of the main benefits to turmeric and the various ways in which you can benefit from it.
Surprisingly, you can actually apply this spice directly to wounds and burns to help health them – it has a cooling effect and boasts antiseptic qualities. You simply need to mix a spoon with water and apply it to the wound – even if the wound is bleeding, this treatment will work. It will work to allow pus to form, which will stave off infection and keep the wound clean.
Adding turmeric to milk can help to ease congestion if you have a cough or cold – it works by soothing the respiratory tract and has anti-inflammatory properties. Simply add a spoonful to a glass of milk.
Slimmer and trimmer
Many people love turmeric for the effect it has in diets and weight loss programmes. People believe that it can improve digestion and help your body to burn fat.
No arteriosclerosis
It’s thought that turmeric can help to reduce the risk of heart disease, as it lowers the cholesterol and reduces blood pressure. Some studies suggest it can even improve blood circulation and can reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood. If you’re struggling to bring your cholesterol down, adding turmeric to your diet can help to assist your diet and medication in doing this successfully.
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Tuesday, 6 June 2017

Fighting Mental Health Issues with Alternative Medicine -Ajit Patel Wemet

For some people, hypnosis is an extremely effective method of coping with mental-health issues such as anxiety, stress and depression, although it can sometimes be difficult to include within busy routines and day-to-day lives. Therefore, as an alternative which can achieve similar results, self-hypnosis can be beneficial and can be conducted in any space, as long as it is quiet and private.
Once settling into your chosen space, the process can be kick-started by finding a comfortable position to sit in and minimise thought processes by listening to “white noise”, that is best found in the form of static between radio stations. If these days you only own a digital radio, you can buy an audio device that stimulates the sound of static. By this point you are ready to experience the 4 phases of self-hypnosis, which are known as “relaxation”, “deepening”, “suggestion application” and “termination”. The first level as the name implies, involves becoming deeply relaxed, by taking deep, rhythmic breaths and closing your eyes. This process can last from several minutes to half an hour and once it is completed, you will fall into the, “deepening state” in which you attain a sensation of profound relaxation by counting down from ten to one. Once you have completed the countdown, you will have arrived at the “suggestion application” stage, in which you can focus on what you wish to accomplish by engaging in self-hypnosis: be it stress relief, the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, overcoming phobias or anything else that is a source of distress in your life. Finally, the session is ended with the process of, “termination” in which you count back up to ten in order to regain waking-consciousness.
Like all forms of self-administered, alternative therapy it may take a good few attempts to attain a hypnotized-state, and it may also be worth-while having several sessions with an experienced professional in order to properly understand how to do it and have any questions or concerns addressed.
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The Powerful Benefits of Massage - Ajit Patel Wemet

The popularity of massages as a form of physical therapy is likely to be attributed to their multiple and positive benefits for the mind, soul and body – both in the short and long-term. The popularity of the discipline is also likely to be linked to its ability to act as a powerful antidote for the stresses and strains that people experience as part of their day-to-day lives.
Some people’s initial encounter with a professional massage are likely to be as part of treatment for a specific injury or physical condition that can be remedied by the application of a massage. Which can include back pain, tight muscles, limited body flexibility and impaired blood-circulation. Some people have also expressed that a massage can help fight anxiety and depression and optimise the body’s immune system.
For many people, massages are also associated with the relief of stress. Stress-relief is very important, as it can serve as a significant barrier to health and wellbeing. Chronic stress has a highly detrimental effect on the body’s psychological disposition, by making it very difficult to relax and remain calm in challenging situations. This can also lead to disrupted sleeping patterns, with the mind unable to clear itself sufficiently to allow the body to rest. Fortunately, massage can help you to de-stress which aids with sleep and can help the body become re-energised.
Getting a message can also provide a wealth of physiological benefits, these can include: the management of arthritic pain, improved breathing for sufferers of asthma and the regulation of blood-pressure; and with all these benefits in mind, its little wonder that massages are such a popular form of physical therapy.
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Good ways of Easing Muscular Pain - Ajit Patel Wemet

Suffering from muscular pain is a very common ailment for most people due to the general, “wear and tear” that the body experiences in modern life. Fortunately, there are many types of equipment currently available that you can use at home to relieve it.
Firstly, massage chairs can serve as a highly effective means of soothing aching muscles and have settings that can target the areas of the body suffering from strain. The use of massage chairs can also help to reduce stress to the neck and shoulders, enabling the muscles to relax and prevent headaches. It can be well-worth using these after a long day sitting at a desk and they can also be used to help ease pain in your back and legs. Applying heat to painful areas can be a highly effective means of easing soreness and can be achieved with the use of rolling massagers that can help reduce tension when applied to affected regions of the body. Finally, water therapy is often used by many to de-stress and relax. This can be done very simply, by soaking in a warm tub with bath salts, essential oils and aromatic candles.
The effects of muscle-pain can also be reduced by making changes to your life-style. For instance, at the end of the day, it’s very tempting to collapse onto your couch and switch on the television or sit back for a night of gaming.  It might be worth from time-to-time giving your senses a break and doing something else like meditating, reading or listening to music. Similarly try and impose some, “me and quiet time” into your schedule, by turning off your mobile and staying away from emails. This only has to be done for a while to help your mind clear in order to stimulate the de-stressing process that can relieve body tension and subsequent muscle-aches. Sometimes, it can be highly beneficial to seek temporary refuge from the pressures of the modern world, and give your mind and body time and space to rejuvenate.
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Saturday, 3 June 2017

Fitness: Why we only feel on top of our game for two months - Ajit Patel Wemet

Recent research has discovered that the average Brit only feels fit and healthy for 61 days of the year. The rest of the time, we feel tired, achy and ill, meaning that for ten months of the year we’re feeling less than our best. The study polled 2000 people and found that one in four people feel permanently hindered by at least one ailment.
Research by the Spire Bristol Hospital has discovered the average person feels generally unwell and run down for at least two days of the week – these shocking statistics are a concern, and mean that the majority of people could be holding on to symptoms of illnesses which may need to be investigated by your GP.
Often, people like to believe themselves capable of coping with things and enduring problems such as illness but, in most cases, the illnesses people are feeling are easily treatable. You can make small changes to your lifestyle that could help you feel healthier and improve your feeling of wellbeing. Generally, those questioned complained of around eight separate occasions of illness each year, varying from coughs and colds, to flus and viruses. One in four stated that they get regular headaches, too, which can be a difficult thing to cope with when trying to navigate your work and social life.
The list of ailments suffered varied from general illnesses to stubbed toes and toothaches, which also added to people’s medical complaints which result in 61 days of the year being lost to illness. Monday mornings, the study suggests, are the time in which the feeling of sickness peaks though researchers are unsure why this is. It is advised that you seek medical help if you’re finding yourself suffering with ailments regularly, particularly if the same problems arise often.
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Want To Lose Weight? Aerobic Regimes Beat Weight Training - Ajit Patel Wemet

While there’s no denying that weight and resistance training are great for building a toned and strong body, if you want to lose weight, there’s only one way to go: aerobic training. In a randomised trial which analysed the bodily changes to those who were overweight or obese, researchers looked at three modes of exercise and the effects.
Aerobic exercise consists of activities such as walking, swimming and running, and has been shown to have positive effects in those who wish to lose weight. Resistance training has, of late, been proven to be great for increasing the body’s metabolic rate, as well as showing health benefits such as improving glucose control. For burning fat mass though, there has been no conclusive evidence that resistance training can be beneficial.
In the study, participants were assigned to three groups and asked to perform different exercises – resistance training three times a week, aerobic training for twelve miles per week, and a combination of aerobic and resistance exercises three days a week. Those who were assigned to exercises involving aerobic activities showed higher results for weight loss than just resistance training – in fact, those in the resistance training group actually gained weight due to the increase in lean body mass.
While no singular type of exercise will ever show benefits for every body type or goal, there is now proof that resistance training on its own won’t provide you with the results you’re looking for with regards to weight loss. It is important to remember, as well, that exercise and the benefits are age-specific. Older adults who experience muscle atrophy will find that resistance training is beneficial to them. However, younger people will see better results with aerobic training. If you want to reduce your fat and body mass, the best option is to choose aerobic training – resistance training simply doesn’t offer great results in terms of burning fat.
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Cardio Energy Systems: How Do They Work? - Ajit Patel Wemet

Although cardio workouts have been around for decades, it actually isn’t always the best form of exercise in terms of seeing results. If you’re new to cardiovascular routines, you’re in luck – knowing the mistakes many make beforehand will stop you doing the same, so you can see results far quicker and start to benefit from this great exercise. For example, knowing the energy systems prior to beginning can help you develop a truly effective regime.
Aerobic cardio involves activities such as stationary biking or distance running and are low intensity, as well as being quite time consuming. Although these exercises are great for burning fat, they don’t build muscle so it can be difficult to maintain the weight loss that you’ve worked hard to achieve. The other energy system is anaerobic, which is the opposite in every way – they are quick, reduce fat as well as building lean muscle, and are high intensity. The benefits you may see from aerobic exercises are invariably temporary, but anaerobic exercises provide more solid and consistent results. Muscle burns fat so the more of it you can build, the more chance you have of decreasing your level of body fat.
Sprints and interval training are both a great place to start, as they can provide brilliant results in next to no time. Sprinting creates fast twitch muscle fibres, which ups your athleticism. High intensity workouts may seem too much early on in your workout career, but don’t fear them – they’re vital for successful weight loss so the sooner you can include them in your exercise programme, the better. A full anaerobic regime can be completed in less than thirty minutes, so it’s ideal if you struggle to fit exercise into your week. With these amendments to your workouts, you’ll be seeing results in no time.
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Friday, 2 June 2017

Posture Patch Up: Four Steps to Get You Standing Tall - Ajit Patel Wemet

You may not think your posture has a great influence on your wellbeing, but there are many benefits to walking tall and sitting pretty. Not only does the right posture help your weight loss wellness by making you look 10 pounds lighter, good posture conveys confidence, poise and leadership – which can help in the workplace – and can cause you to look 10 years younger. In fact, proponents of good posture even extend to fitness experts such as Certified Personal Trainer Glenn Kent, PhD, who has developed some simple exercises and stretches to help you keep your shoulders back and your head high.

According to Kent, ‘Good posture results when the muscles of the body align properly, allowing for efficient movement. When your body’s muscles and joints are balanced and supported properly, you’re better able to perform everyday activities, such as squatting to pick up laundry or running down a flight of stairs efficiently.’ However, Kent points out, ‘Few of us exhibit good posture, let alone perfect posture. In fact, poor posture often develops so gradually that you may notice its symptoms (back and neck pain, tightness and stiffness, increased injury and losses in your normal range of motion) long before you notice your shoulders hunching over.’

But why is it so important to improve your posture? ‘When you are poorly aligned, the joints in your body (e.g. shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles) do not fit together properly,’ Kent explains. ‘This causes some muscles to work harder than others. Over time, those muscles become tense while the others weaken, creating muscular imbalances that slowly devolve into poor posture. As posture deteriorates further, joint movements become restricted and the differences between tense and weak muscles places greater stress on your joints, which then have to compensate. This causes pain, stiffness and loss of motion throughout the body. But fix these imbalances, and your posture (and the pain associated with it) will improve.’ So here are four steps to a better posture:

1. Strengthen Your Core: Kent asserts, ‘Good posture starts with a strong core, which includes the abdominals (both the rectus abdominals that form the “6-pack” and the deeper transverse abdominals below them), lower back, obliques and hips. Strong core muscles don’t just keep your back healthy and resistant to pain and injury; they also hold your body upright, improve balance and enable you to move your body with greater control and efficiency.’

2. Fix Your Rounded Shoulders: Although rounded shoulders are common, that is not to say that they are normal. It’s not natural to hunch over a computer or behind a wheel, but that is what most of us spend our days doing, and our posture suffers as a result. However, Kent has the answer. ‘You can improve your posture by strengthening the weak upper back muscles, while stretching tight muscles in the chest, shoulders, lats and hips,’ he says. ‘As the upper back becomes stronger and the chest becomes more flexible, the shoulders naturally pull back—a sign of improved posture.’

3. Neutralise Your Tilted Hips: ‘Look at your belt line,’ Kent instructs. ‘Wearing your regular [trousers] and a belt, when viewed from the side, the belt should be level all the way around the waist. If your belt line is higher in the back and lower in the front, you need to strengthen the weak muscles in your hamstrings, glutes and abs, while improving the flexibility of your thighs and hip flexors.’

4. Retract Your Forward Head: Kent notes, ‘Most people think of the back and shoulders as keys to good posture, but the position of your head and neck is just as important. When viewed from the side, your ears should be above your shoulders.’
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How Body toxins can affect Health and Wellbeing - Ajit Patel Wemet

The body is a highly-complex collection of systems that work with one another in order to try and maintain an individual’s health and well...